Once upon a March, Graham turned one and I did my best to capture the baby memories...
as fast as I could capture that sweet face...
before he would get wiggly...
and swipe the board clean...
and crawl away like a bandit.
How 'bout we clap...
or talk on the cell-foot...
oh hi, baby boy.
hooray for 12 months!
and the toy I'm dangling for your attention. :)
And that'll do it. Twelve monthly photos for the books. A one year project, done!
And just in time, before he really gets mobile.
Graham at 12 months (really 14 now) is still my baby. He still wears onesies, drinks from a bottle, and sleeps on his back. Total opposite from a 12 month Ewan who was drinking from a cup, wearing toddler clothes, and walking. No walking yet for Graham, but lots of talking. Mama, dada, baba, bear, ball, bubble, more, doggie, divot, up, down... also opposite of his brother who was using baby sign for two years.
Graham is my sweet squish. Although I see a bit of crazy boy energy starting to show. Just yesterday he climbed to the top of the slide right behind his brother. And loves a good water gun or light saber fight.
To explain the mish-mash of a blanket above...
all three were started during Graham's first year, and all three remain unfinished. Story of my crochet life. Someday I'll finish at least one of them for him to keep.
A 12 month wrap up of all blankets and baby chub coming up!
...before he's two. :)