
seven months

{chalkboard: rachel denbow, here, knit blanket by Jeff's grandmother}
Graham is 8 months old tomorrow! And as usual, I'm always a month behind in posting his monthlys. I'm pretty sure I claimed 6 months as my favorite age last post, but man oh man, 7 month Graham was by far the cutest ever! He was cleverly taught by his daddy to stick out his tongue, shake his head no, wave hi, and blow kisses... all with his signature squish face expression. I, however, am selfishly working on getting him to say mama... haa! Baby boy is still the quiet observer here. Loves to sit and watch his big brother. No signs of scooting or crawling yet. In fact, tummy time is like torture to him. Full-on flops his feet up, stretches out his arms, screeches for mercy, and then throws his head down in exhaustion after 10 seconds. Eh. We'll get there. :)

see graham grow:
{month one and two}
{month three}
I feel like I should tag this post... #dizzy #stripes #3Dglasses... :)