
wip wednesday

For my nieces, sisters, and bff. I'm a tiny bow factory lately.
What a week so far. As Graham gets older, things get busier, messier, and louder over here... it's crazy house! And let me tell you, re-training a four month old is no walk in the park. And I miss the happy baby park. From birth to now, his life has been eat, sleep, cuddle, and ride on mommy's hip all day. Well, not anymore. A schedule has been introduced and so far unwelcome, to say the least. Jeff says I baby Graham too much and he needs to learn independence. To which he's right, and recently realized the reason I do so is because with Ewan I was back to work already 8 hours a day, and kinda missed this stage of growth. I also prefer quiet, so content baby on my hip versus screaming baby on the floor... yeah, the choice is made hourly. :)