
20 weeks pregnant

-finally feeling tiny kicks and punches
-small, comfortable belly size
-pre-maternity clothes still fitting, barely
-find out baby's gender
-and Jeff's favorites...
I'm a 9 month nester, the house has never been cleaner.
And his super cleaner housewife now has big boobs. :)

-can't lay on my stomach anymore
-mood swings, I cry almost everyday
-ewan's energy seems to be gaining as mine is depleting
-unmotivated to cook, Jeff gets the "bring home take-out" call a lot
-my pound-a-week weight gain is now consistent, and may even get to 2 pounds a week at the rate I'm going. must cut back on daily second lunches.

And ok, I lied. We totally had our ultrasound late yesterday, which is why gender guessing was on the brain. :) Jeff and I had plans to savor the secret for a bit, but we're just a little too excited. We made the family calls and are now sharing the sweet profile pic here. Look at that cute spine, heart, nose, chin. Boy or girl? The answer is in the header!
Figure it out?