Drive, Drive, Drive, Mount Shasta!
Drive, Drive, Drive, OREGON!
Drive, Drive, Drive, SWITCH!
Trees, Trees, Trees, TREES!
We made it to our 4 day destination. Salem, Oregon.
Played. Golfed. Graduated. BBQ'd. Rocked out. Celebrated big... Graduation, Father's Day and 2 Birthdays!

Rockband and Guitar Hero were inseparable.
And Ewan saw his FIRST movie theater movie... Toy Story 3!
Cousins! Lots of cousins!
We love you guys! Now it's YOUR turn to come visit! :)
And that was the end to our 3 person roadtrip. Ewan flew home with Jeff's parents, and Jeff and I started the 3 day/2 person roadtrip back home. Can you say early anniversary vacay? :)