I started this blog back in 2007 (happy 2 year blogoversary to me!) to keep my family informed of the first grandchild/great-grandchild/nephew on the way. We did not live near any family at the time, and was so excited to share all the details with everyone in a special way. I wrote each post as if I were directing it specifically to my mom or grandma and that made it easy and informal... and true. I literally had 2 people reading about our happenings. Now, 2 years later, I have followers (I love all 24 of you!), friends I've reconnected with, new blog friends across the country, and new blog friends even in my own town! And now my family has even joined in and each have their own corners of the internet along side me. All very exciting, and fuels the blogger in me to keep posting and keep connecting with others.
But I ask myself often, is anybody reading this? After I put Ewan to bed and enjoy the company of my husband before he falls asleep on the couch, I spend the rest of the late night posting pictures of our day, assuming people are interested in reading about it. And then I read about your kids, in-laws, holidays and latest recipes on your blogs! And even crazier still, I do all this and try to remain anonymous. Anonymous?! Crazy I tell you. Just the other night I was chatting with my bf, debating if we should go private or not. Cause then you know exactly who's reading and who you're addressing when describing your latest and greatest. But instead of such a drastic move, I'm going to just try this...
My new goal on here... is to connect with you. We all want to be part of a community on here and connect with others who care about what we post, and understand why we post it. :) Unlike scrapbooking where we perfectly put together a page of smiling, loving family photos of a big event- blogging is more about the imperfections of daily life that other's are able to connect with. I look for those connections with other moms on here. If you're reading this... more likely than not, I read your blog too. And even more likely, I've never stopped to say hi. That's it. I will no longer be an anonymous stalker... er, reader. :) And I hope you will stop to say hello too, and let me know I'm not talking to an empty internet. I also plan on actually writing more instead of just posting pictures, as a way of connecting on a more personal level. But don't hold me to that, I'm not the writer of the family. :)
I'm looking forward to a very exciting new year! First up, Jeff and I both have birthday's to celebrate this month. We are exactly 4 years and 4 days apart in age. Cute, huh? :) Then come February, we're moving! Again. Always exciting, but always such a pain to pack and unpack everything. We then have a roadtrip up the California coast planned for June. And looking ahead towards summer, Ewan will be turning 2 and plans for baby#2 are a go!
Here's looking at a beautiful 2010! And, hello. It's nice to meetcha. :)