Ok... I'm gonna rush through these last few posts about our trip.
Cause it's fall already.
Cause everyday it makes me want to be back in Hawaii.
Cause frankly... I'm getting bored. As I'm sure you are too. :)
The first day we arrived in Maui, we made plans to go to the Luau at our hotel with Jeff's parents and his Aunt and Uncle from Oregon.
The four of them happened to be on vacation the same week as us... on the same island... on the same side of the island in fact...
That's a whole other story. No time to explain. Must continue.

Ewan got the best souvenir. Hand-carved in front of our eyes!
And he passed out at the end after being drunk on pork and Hawaiian punch.
We saw our family the next day again for dinner at Leilani's...
Our FAVORITE restaurant on the island! Had to make sure we ate there.
(Jeff and I ate lunch there again the following day too.)
(And just this past Sunday, we even recreated Leilani's fish tacos at home. However we renamed our dinner, "Lei-Lohman's". :)
And the last time we saw our fam again in Maui was on Saturday.
They babysat Ewan for us so we could enjoy a relaxing anniversary.
Just the two of us.